Artistic Concepts and Processes

We all know what an essay is, right? We've all had experience in school writing one or, at least, reading one--a short, opinionated writing about a specific subject. However, there is an alternative definition, one we often don't consider --an initial attempt or endeavor. It is vital for us to create without being afraid to fail, essayer as the French put it, to attempt. In doing so we become more familiar with a process or technique and eventually, with enough attempts, we can become experts.

Here is a sample of my attempts...

follow me on the twits yo!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Lightnin' by TheLouisianaJackhammer
Lightnin', a photo by TheLouisianaJackhammer on Flickr.
These images fail to properly convey all the emotion, the wonder, the drama of this visual display of my experience. Try as you might, you cannot capture fully what the artist experiences. You may think the images are beautiful, and can relate to some experience where you've witnessed something similar. Most likely, however, you are sitting at a computer during the waking hours, safe at home and cozy. As much work as I may or may not have put into these images, you still won't understand how it made me feel--the eerie silence, the anticipation in the air, the danger of darkness, the smell of fresh asphalt, the fear of lime disease. These images captures only a fraction of what really happened, what really was experienced by the artist. That is the great challenge and the great failure of art. The challenge to tell the story and the failure when you fall short of fully conveying the entire message.

13s at f/4.5 ISO 100

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