Artistic Concepts and Processes

We all know what an essay is, right? We've all had experience in school writing one or, at least, reading one--a short, opinionated writing about a specific subject. However, there is an alternative definition, one we often don't consider --an initial attempt or endeavor. It is vital for us to create without being afraid to fail, essayer as the French put it, to attempt. In doing so we become more familiar with a process or technique and eventually, with enough attempts, we can become experts.

Here is a sample of my attempts...

follow me on the twits yo!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not Forgotten: Journalism and Self Expression in Uganda

It is important for people to express themselves. Perhaps we've forgotten this in the west, we have so many opportunities and avenues to express ourselves, we can hardly imagine a place where you wouldn't be able to. In fact, its so easy to express ourselves, maybe we don't even realize we're doing it! In America, we have so many choices to define who we are—what am I going to wear, how will I cut my hair, what will I study in school, what will my hobbies be. We have jobs that don't exist in other parts of the world. Children have many opportunities growing up in school as well—so many, in fact, that few would be grateful for just a crayon and a piece of paper. The combination of these factors makes us individuals, for better or for worse. We are each set apart from everyone else, and our choices are an outlet for that distinction. When you don't have options it becomes increasingly harder to distinguish yourself. When you can't choose what to wear, or you have few options for school or career, of if you spend most of your time fighting to survive, you become lost in the population. You become just another cog in the machine and you don't really care if you live or die.

1/400s at f/3.5 ISO 100

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