Artistic Concepts and Processes

We all know what an essay is, right? We've all had experience in school writing one or, at least, reading one--a short, opinionated writing about a specific subject. However, there is an alternative definition, one we often don't consider --an initial attempt or endeavor. It is vital for us to create without being afraid to fail, essayer as the French put it, to attempt. In doing so we become more familiar with a process or technique and eventually, with enough attempts, we can become experts.

Here is a sample of my attempts...

follow me on the twits yo!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Photo 1 Portfolio--Ty

Ty by TheLouisianaJackhammer
Ty, a photo by TheLouisianaJackhammer on Flickr.
Since I mentioned my Photo 1 class last week, I thought it only appropriate to present some images from my final portfolio and let the masses decide what I could do to improve.

Perhaps my instructor thought my subject matter, people, to be a bit blasé, a lot of students in the class chose to use people as their theme, and there is no doubt that numerous students in classes past have photographed people as their theme. I had a lot of work to do to distinguish myself from those who have set the precedent. My instructor thought that I would choose to present texture shots and photos of strange objects, abstractions of sorts. But I've shot those photos too many times to count. It is no longer a challenge to capture an interesting image of an abstract texture or object. I wanted to shoot people to gain experience in that subject matter. And despite receiving an unsatisfactory grade in that class, I learned more about portrait shooting than I have anywhere else, an invaluable lesson.

So there you have it kids—the classes you learn the most in are the ones you also get the worst grade in. School sucks.


  1. The biggest thing I would change is to not have two of the same photos of the photographer guy in the grass. They are essentially the same image but one is a profile view and the other is his back. Hope that helps! The one of Doran has great focus/light.

  2. Good point. Sam really loved one of those two images. He basically told me I'd never make a print that good ever again.

