Artistic Concepts and Processes

We all know what an essay is, right? We've all had experience in school writing one or, at least, reading one--a short, opinionated writing about a specific subject. However, there is an alternative definition, one we often don't consider --an initial attempt or endeavor. It is vital for us to create without being afraid to fail, essayer as the French put it, to attempt. In doing so we become more familiar with a process or technique and eventually, with enough attempts, we can become experts.

Here is a sample of my attempts...

follow me on the twits yo!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Macro Extension Tube

Macro Extension Tube

Macro photography can be a lot of fun, but lenses are quite a large investment for such a specific genre. No fear, macro extension tubes can convert any lens into macro lens for a fraction of the cost!

Macro Extension Tube

Extension tubes work by putting additional space between your lens and the sensor or negative. However, depending on the focus range of the lens, you may not be able to focus to infinity or anywhere near it—you will only be able to focus within a few inches of your subject. But that's the ok, 'cause you're doing macro photography.

Macro Extension Tube

Also, be warned that the cheapest extension tubes (which I purchased) cannot communicate electronically between the lens and the camera body. I thought this would be ok when I bought the tube, figuring on trial and error to come up with the proper exposure. I neglected to take into account that I would not be able to control aperture—meaning every shot will be taken at its widest aperture. At such a close distance you're going to have only smallest sliver of focus to work with.

Macro Extension Tube

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